Over the past three years, QurioCare's independent digital platform has been developed. This platform organizes the current fragmented market for medical devices. The platform offers healthcare institutions the opportunity to enter the market together and provides suppliers with more opportunities to offer their products. Femke Keijzer, Managing Director Health IG&H, discusses the importance of digitalization in healthcare and the role that a platform like QurioCare can play.
Read moreQurioCare and CbusineZ have started a collaboration to increase QurioCare's impact together. Both parties believe that QurioCare's innovative procurement capabilities and CbusineZ's experience in healthcare investments can make a significant contribution to controlling healthcare costs.
Read moreThis summer, a successful tender for urine meters was completed using the QurioCare platform. An important success factor was user involvement - the nursing staff in this instance. In this interview, Roos Velders – de Jong, Senior ICU Nurse and chair of the Nursing Advisory Council (VAR) at Erasmus University Medical Center talks about her experience with the platform.
Read moreWe are proud to welcome Timme Vervloed as our new Chief Operating Officer! Starting November 4, he will take over from Mark Engelenburg.
Read moreThis summer, we spoke with Mark Lindeman, one of the initiators of QurioCare. The focus was primarily on the ‘why’ behind the digital platform. According to Mark, a better-organized market for medical devices offers numerous opportunities on different fronts, whether you’re a buyer or a seller.
Read moreWe recently spoke with René Dullaart, Purchasing & Logistics Manager at Erasmus Medical Center (MC) in Rotterdam, which has been involved in the development of the QurioCare platform from early on. René is well acquainted with the challenges of the procurement landscape for medical supplies. "We need to join forces for procurement. It’s easier said than done in the healthcare sector."
Read moreQurioCare Surlinio